Working with Mail Experience Plus

The Connector 365 Mail Experience Plus app combines the 3 apps from our Mail Plus series into one power app. Below we provide information on how to use each area.

Mail Subject Plus area

The Mail Subject Plus area is there to add your own dynamic subject lines per report or customer to your emails. You can use placeholders to define your own content.

Working with Subject

Mail Attachments Plus area

Mail Attachments Plus allows you to control your mail attachments at various levels and specify attachments that will always be attached to certain reports when sent by default. Control for attachments over a period of time is also possible.

Working with Attachments

Addressee Control

Addressee Control allows you to control of the addressee per report type.
For each report type you decide wether the customer from the field Bill-to Customer or Sell-to Customer will be used to define the addressee.

Setup Addressee

Custom Filename

Use preset filenames in your files and avoid sending unpersonalized documents.

Setup Filename